Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Those cheeks

Melanie has sucked me in with her baby cheeks. I can't help it. Those squishy cheeks and the big blue eyes. She will probably come up a lot on this 365 thing and that's okay. This is about practicing photography and what goes on in my life. Melanie is trying to put everything in her mouth. Rachel got her to look steadily toward the camera by shaking a rattle.

I will definitely say that learning to set a custom white balance has made a huge improvement in my pictures and much less time fidgeting in post processing to get things looking right. I  just took a white photo of the white dresser in their room set that as the custom white balance to tell the camera that that was white should be and pictures go from weirdly orange to peachy perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Those cheeks are irresistible. So glad you are enjoying photography.
