Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Photo 365

So I have been working on my photography. Not just food photography but things and people as well. In order to encourage the development of that skill I am going to try a photo 365 task. You take at least one photo every day. I may or may not post every single day it may end up being a weekly recap but it will have photos for every day. Almost like a photo journal. I may even do themed weeks occasionally to stretch myself.

November 16

This was Melanie today. I had to really get down on the floor to be her level. As low as I could get really. She was doing her tummy time. She is 3 1/2 months so I think that is pretty good. The other kids not as much. Took Rachel to the doctor she did have strep. Then this evening Hazel had a fever and sore throat....I talked to a nurse. They will call in a prescription to pick up tomorrow. No need to go in again. Thank goodness.
Sounds like tomorrow will be another stay at home day.

1 comment:

  1. Melanie is getting so cute. I hope I can find a minute to get this printed and use it as an update in my frame in the dining room
