About Me

Hi. My name is Helen Kosmicki and this is my blog.
I grew up and live in sticky, hot, humid Houston Texas. Where the mosquitoes come in many sizes and spending half of the summer at the pool is a must to survive.
I have always cooked but it was when I started my family and had a captive audience that I really started taking it serious. I am constantly trying to get better and try new things.
When thinking about a recipe I like to learn all about it, try recipes until I develop one I like and then share it here on my blog.

Can I use your photos?

Please contact me about using any of my photography, as it original and copyrighted.

Why is your blog called souper tomatoes?

I was inspired by a book I got from a bargain bin. It was about nothing but the history of tomatoes and tomato soup. What would be a rather dry read for most was very interesting to me. That is how I feel about food. Everything is so interesting.

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