Thursday, November 17, 2016

November 17 Be nice to spiders

So growing up mom read me a children's book called Be Nice To Spiders. It was about a spider named Helen like me and the zoo people tried to get rid of her until they realized spiders are helpful.
Right now we have a ton of spiders in the backyard. Especially the spiny orb weavers. I don't mind. Josh is not a fan. He asked if I could be in charge of mowing the back. When I do I carefully detach their web in one or two spot and they gather it up.
I decided to take their picture. I wish I had the cannon 100mm macro lens so I could really fill the frame but even used are a bit to pricey right now. Oh well, on the wish list. Anyway when I went out this morning they were building their webs. I don't know that I have watched tat in person before. It was super cool.
You can see what is done and how much she still had left to do this morning. Que the itsy bitsy spider song.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit the "Be Nice to Spiders" book about Helen completely changed my attitude as well. And like you, I used to love to pause and watch the orb weavers at work. How they get the measurements so precise is such a miracle. Love you, Mom
