Friday, December 2, 2016

making up time

Time flies in the holidays. I have kept taking pictures but posting every day is harder. Like I said I will post at least once a week. I try to everyday but like I said holidays and babies keep me busy sometimes.
November 24th
Thanksgiving was special. We were down in numbers enough that we were all able to fit around two tables pushed together. This meant a more intimate passing of the food then the buffet style we usually have to resort to due to the number of people. The turkey was amazing.
November 25th
Pumpkin gingersnap cheesecake from the pioneer woman recipes. Definitely a keeper.
November 26th
Ellie here for Thanksgiving. Love the curl.
November 27th
Sweet Melanie holding Rachel's hand
November 28th
Stayed up till 1:30 to finish my cookbook.
November 29th
Rachel stayed home. Looked like she had some hand, foot, and mouth.

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