Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 2 : TJ

We went to the zoo today. We love the zoo. The highlight was the baby seal. Sarah had been trying to see him every time we went to the zoo since she was born. They had notes up saying she was to little, then that she was practicing swimming in a baby pool in the back and finally this time they were cleaning the cage at first and said they would be letting her out at 11am. We went to see other things but rushed back at 11 to see her. we were not disappointed. Man was she fast. She zoomed around the pool so fast. She would occasionally jump from the water and also chase her flippers like a dog chasing it's tail.
I bet the adult could probably go just as fast but...why...no predators or fish to catch. Very fun to watch. I guess little kids of any species seem to have boundless energy. Wish I did.

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