Monday, May 16, 2016

Strawberry Freezer Jam

Homemade jam is a wonderful thing. It tastes much fresher and even looks more inviting than the stuff on the shelf in the grocery store. When i mention making jam most people freeze like a deer in the headlights thinking "oh wow so much work". The truth is when I make jam I make the freezer jam variety. There is no giant pot of boiling water or checking that all the jars have sealed super air tight and it is much easier.
My mom kept a supply of homemade freezer jam in the fridge so that every Sunday when the family came over their were rolls and jam to go with dinner. Sometimes I think that is all some of the grand kids ate. The adults and older children judiciously saved their rolls for the end of the meal to have with the jam as dessert. It was really all the dessert you needed and there we almost never leftover rolls.

When not in season frozen strawberries are and economical choice and far superior to the fresh but imported from who knows how far ones in the produce section. I think of making it most when the berries are in season and both dirt cheap and tasting their best. It is just another way to enjoy the bounty and preserve some for later.

I could try to be cleaver and come up with my own original recipe but the truth is we have always used the recipe provided with the packet of pectin we use to turn the strawberries into jam. We found the best results using the brand Sure Jell fruit pectin and followed the recipe the only change I made was it called for crushing the berries and to speed the process along I blended them up in the food processor. Either method seemed to work fine.

Strawberry Freezer Jam

2 cups crushed strawberries(about 4 cups strawberries)
4 cups sugar
1 pkg sure jell

1. Measure the sugar and add to the strawberries. Let is sit 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to help it along. (don't try to substitute other things for plain old sugar, it messes up the recipe)
2. in a small pot combine the sure jell with 3/4 cup water and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Keep stirring and let it boil 1 minute. Remove from the heat.
3. Add the hot pectin to the fruit mix and stir for 3 minutes, or until all the sugar has dissolved and is no longer grainy.
4. Fill all the jars leaving about 1/2 inch for expansion in the freezer. Cover with lids.
5. Let sit at room temperature for 24 hours or until it sets. Place one in the fridge for immediate enjoyment and the rest in the freezer for up to a year. Until the strawberries are in season again!

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