Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dewberry Cobbler

One of the things I loved about growing in Houston Texas was the dewberries. Dewberries look like a small blackberry. They are a little less sweet than the blackberries you get at the store and the juice is more reddish. They grow wild all throughout the south.
Ever spring we watch for when the berries bloom. They are little white flowers with five petals. You know they are dewberries because they grow in clumps all along the edge of the woods where the sun reaches. We watch for the flowers to know where the large patches of berries are. They are much harder to spot when they are small and green.
When you start seeing the berries turn red, the ripe black ones are not far behind. Raven as small children out parents would take us out and brave the prickly dewberry vines to pick the berries. We loved it.
We ate them on pancakes with powdered sugar, in cereal and as homemade jam, but our favorite thing to make was dewberry cobbler.

Dewberry Cobbler

2 1/2 Cups dewberries
1/2 Cup water
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp lemon zest
1 Cup brown sugar
1 tsp Cinnamon
3/4 Cup flour
3/4 Cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
3/4 Cup milk
1/3 Cup butter

1.Place the berries in a 9x9 baking dish. You could also divide evenly between ramekins for personal sized portions.
2. Add water. Pour lemon juice and zest over berries. Spread the brown sugar on top and sprinkle with cinnamon.
3. In a separate bowl mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and milk. Mix until smooth. The batter will be thin. Pour over the berries. dot with butter and bake at 350 until the top is golden.

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