Tuesday, April 14, 2015

strawberries in the gutter

My sister Sarah had the ingenious idea to plant strawberries in a rain gutter suspended from the overhang on the garage. It's great. The berries avoid rotting on damp ground and eaten by slugs as so often is the case here in the humid south. Already they have a bunch of strawberries in the works and the kids will have so much fun picking them.
This was one of the first pictures I took with my new lens for the camera. It as a larger aperture getting all the way down to 1.8 f stop. The large aperture gives that nice blurred background, hence even though the wall of the garage is less than a foot from the strawberry is has a nice soft blurred appearance while the strawberry and leaf are in sharp focus. So fun! 


  1. look at you buying lenses and becoming all professional :) Just curious, where did you get it? I have been thinking about it for awhile but only if I could get a really good price.

  2. look at you buying lenses and becoming all professional :) Just curious, where did you get it? I have been thinking about it for awhile but only if I could get a really good price.
