Sunday, May 17, 2015

Cucumber Crackers

Sometimes the simplest recipes get overlooked. The ones that are hardly a recipe so they don't get written down and then one day the are forgotten. Well not today!
One of our favorite snacks growing up was kind of like a tea sandwich or snack, only we are Mormon and don't drink tea or coffee. We called them cucumber crackers. I don't know what else we could have called them.

We loved them as a snack. We would have used them more often as an appetizer at parties but the cracker gets soggy if left for more than a couple minutes. We always just ate them as they were made. They were too tasty to sit around long anyway.

Cucumber Crackers

1 8 oz package cream cheese
1 pkg Italian Dressing Mix
1-2 cucumbers (peeled if the skin is waxy), sliced
Ritz crackers

1. Mix together the cream cheese and the dressing mix.
2. Spread on crackers and top with a cucumber slice.

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