Thursday, April 16, 2015

Summer Barley Salad

So with summer coming I am very excited for the return of all the summer fruits and vegetables like corn, tomatoes and the like.
This recipe I found on pintrest and changed the dressing and such to suit my tastes.
I did not include this in the picture but I would usually serve this with grilled chicken or fish.
Summer Barley Salad

3/4 Cup barley
2 ears of corn
1 Cup grape tomatoes
4 slices bacon
1 lrg avocado, diced
1/2 tsp salt, plus more to taste
4 tsp lemon juice
1/4 Cup red onion, diced
3 Tbsp Olive oil

1. Prepare the barley according to the package directions and set aside.
2. In a skillet cook the bacon. pour out most of the fat leaving behind just enough to sauté the corn.
3. Slice the tomatoes, set in a colander over a bowl. salt the tomatoes and let drain. press lightly to get mote juice.
4. Make a dressing from the tomato juice, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.
5. Combine the barley, corn, tomatoes, crumbled bacon, avocado and red onion. Toss with the dressing. Season to taste and serve.

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