Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jan 20 : Spot it

Hazel and Caleb like playing spot it when they get together. Of course at our house it is spot it with shopkins!

Jan 19: Western fever

All things western especially boots are calling my name. This is Hazel wearing some we were given by a neighbor friend who outgrew them. Real boots last really well. I was also trying to use the golden hour light that my book was emphasizing, and back lit.

Jan 18 : After the rain

We had a huge storm and after....there was light 

Jan 17 :walnuts

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Jan:16 Haircut

1st attempt at a self-portrait. I had a remote to snap the camera. Hair is a little shorter than intended and looks better when I put stuff in it. Makes me realize I need to loose a few as well. Oh well.

Jan 15: red chile

The new HEB carries red chilies. I have a hard time finding these sometimes. They are usually confused at checkout though.

Jan 14: Old camera

I am decluttering and it is time to get rid of the old camera. This was what I was using before dad gave me his old DSLR.

Jan 13: hopeless

I get up all the leaves and the very next day it looks like this. Why do I even try sometimes.

Jan :12 cutting

Hazel's cutting has really improved in spark. When she started she couldn't even get them to open and close.

Jan 11: Hair

I am trying to do the girl's hair more. It is hard for me because it was not my thing as a kid.

Jan 10

My girls love pink and purple. This sky was for them.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Jan 9:photo booth

I put them in a line like they do in those photo booths. I couldn't choose one so that seemed like a real reason for having all three.

Jan 8: Snickers cheese ball

I made this amazing snickers cheese ball I found on pintrest for football watching.

Jan 7: Haircut

Both the girls got haircuts. They needed it! The lady also braided Hazel's I need to be better.

Jan 6: Happy to be me

We all need help being happy to be ourselves sometimes.

Jan 5 : Paper beads

Sarah gave the girls these beads made from paper by people in Africa for Christmas.

Jan 4:Grapefruit

We love grapefruit.....the strange offspring of a plummelo and an orange. Wonder why they specifically mess with some medications

Jan 3: Pond

We did the duck pond today before the kids headed back to school. They love feeding them and watching for any ducklings(a bit early for that). There are these two geese however who scare them.

Jan 2:Thunderstorm

We had a big thunderstorm. It was about 9am outside but still looked really dark because of all the rain.

Jan 1: Sunday Start

The first day of the year is not very often on a Sunday. It feels right to start the calendar on the first day of the week.

dec 31: pineapple salsa

I made these chicken and pineapple salsa tacos for dinner. They were ok but I think I liked the salsa better on its own

Dec 30: pokemon cards

we do love playing pokemon cards