Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 2 : Birthday

You've had a birthday shout hooray! We want to sing to you today. One year older and wiser too. Happy birthday to you!

March 29 wood duck

I think it is only the second or third time I have seen them in the wild but there were two males and a female right above my driveway!

Friday, March 24, 2017

March 23: girls only

Pure coincidence but spark was all girls yesterday. Even the siblings were all girls the one exception was the one grandpa who brought his daughter.

March 22: touch

Discovered Melanie was sticking out her hand to let it run along the pole or chain link fence depending on whether we were coming or going. I remember doing this but how did she figure it out? She hasn't seen anyone do it. She really likes to though.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 21: Oh Mama!

We had another opossum stuck in the trash. This time a mamma!

March 20 Anasazi beans

They were just to pretty. They remind me of cows and I am becoming a from dried beans cooking master!

March 19: Pink Fish

Is it weird that my kids adore salmon and clamor for it?

March 18: Urban Air

Sarah gave us her urban air passes while she was gone. The kids loved it.

March 17: Avocado Pasta Salad

I made this from my cookbook and wondered why I am not making it every week! Even Melanie was eating a ton of it.

Friday, March 17, 2017

March 16 beans

the garden grows quickly

March 15 Dessert

They get something every night since we started the "piggies" but our manners at the table are amazing!

march 14 green

New spring green leaves are everywhere.

March 13 Urban Air

Sarah was nice enough to offer us her passes while they were gone. It was busy but the kids really liked jumping and climbing all over the place.

March 12: zoo

Melanie was very cute at the zoo. It was also very busy being the first day of spring break. I also saw something I have never seen. They had changed the antelope who were in with the rhino for 2 zebras. Talking to the keeper they had been off display until the older zebra who was in there died. Then they were with the giraffe but they nipped at the giraffes. They were in with the rhino who were much sturdier. I watched them as the rhino tried to come to their hay pile, the turned around and kicked out with both feet several times chasing them away. Man! Zebras can be feisty!

March 11: Almond Joy Macaroons

I have never had or made a coconut macaroon. They were yummy and my class and children loved them.

March 10: super kids day

 They made the shirts

March 9: tulip

Won tulips at the Relief Society activity!

March 8: cafe rio testing

We had to make cafe rio to measure exactly for portioning for the Beehives retreat. I have to plan the food. I mean we HAD to make cafe rio, we had to. PS it can serve a lot.

March 7: weeds

Can you tell which side I sprayed?

March 6 My own Box

Made 2 boxes like the ones at womens conference

March 5: not a lemon

Maybe we will get a grapefruit this year!

March 4: desk

Ah, my decluttered desk. Cant wit for dad to help me build my beautiful desk.

March 3 : day 2

March 2: shadow forest project day 1

Pictues of their hands holding the things that they remember from Shadow forest

March 1: fairy

Hazel loves her fairy

Feb 28 Beautified

not even done yet and Sarah's house is being beautfied.

Feb 27 Weed flower

I know these are weeds but the kids think that they are flowers.

Feb 26 koi

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Feb 25: Garden store

We picked out plants for the garden. Lots of tomatoes and some beans, cucumbers, herbs and a few flowers.

Feb 24: Women's Conference

Loved these boxes at women's conference. I need to make some for myself. They will totally go with the theme of my home.

Feb 23: Bunny

We went to the library. There are often bunnies that eat the grass. They let people get pretty darn close.

Feb 22:Hash

Not my best food photo for sure, but a tasty dinner none the less.

Feb 21: Spring color

Such ice spring colors!

Feb 20: Duplos

The duplos are fun for so many ages. Melanie loves to kick and hear them clatter around.

Feb 19: Grass

It is spring here. This is the neighbors grass. So Green!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Feb 18: first flower

We caught our first sight of a dewberry flower. Hazel wanted to pick it but Rachel said Nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo! We want it to be a dewberry!

Feb 17: clean

We cleaned the church and someone was nice and brought doughnuts for the end.

Feb 16: Baby bananas

From HEB they were too cute! They are the size of a finger. I am putting them in Rachel's lunch.

Feb 15: Cashew chicken

This is a favorite meal, and also in the cookbook. I think I like this photo better.

Feb 14: shop

Us girls just love shopping too much.

Feb 13: whip it good!

Caleb was having fun and whipping the trampoline with his whip.

Feb 12: Melanie photo shoot

Melanie looked so cute I took her to the park for a photo opt.

Feb 11: Chocolate strawberry

Gearing up for Valentines day!

Feb 10: pastery

Heb has new really yummy pastries. This was apple and crasin.

Feb 9

This is one of her favorite dresses.

Feb 8: kite

Cool kite at the park.

Feb 7: sandbox

We felt beachy. It was Melanie's first bit of sand.

Friday, February 10, 2017