Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sweet Rolls

 These are cinnamon rolls. In our family they were just always known as sweet rolls. I suppose with the name sweet rolls you could fill them with other things, orange or raspberry, and you could still call them sweet rolls.
This recipe was from a woman in our church. She would sell them at events in the town. People would ask for the recipe but she wouldn't give it. Finally the day came where she was going to move away and agreed to share the recipe. They had a special class for the women where she taught them how to make it. My mom wrote everything down.
now we get to enjoy the most soft, pillow like, cinnamon rolls you ever had.

Sweet Rolls

2 tsp salt
1/2 Cup potato flakes
1/2 Cup sugar
1/2 Cup powdered sugar
1 stick butter
3 Cups hot water
4 Cups flour
2 eggs
2 Tbsp scant instant yeast
3 Cups flour
1/2 Cup butter
1 Cup sugar
2 Tbsp cinnamon
1 stick butter
1 lb powdered sugar
1/4 Cup milk
1 tsp vanilla

1. Combine the salt, potato flakes, sugar and powdered milk.
2. Drop in 1 stick butter. Add 3 cups hot water. Combine until all the butter is melted.
3. Add 4 c flour and beat until very elastic, about 4-5 minutes in the mixer.
4. Add 2 eggs. Beat in.
5. Add the 2 scant T instant yeast and beat until it is well blended.
6. Add about 3 cups flour (add the last cup a part at a time) Dough is very soft. almost sticky, but if lightly tapped will not stick to the end of a finger.
7. Cover canvas board with 1/2 c flour. drop dough on canvas. Cover all sides of dough with flour. 8. Clean and grease mixing bowl. dump back into bowl, cover and allow to raise about 1 hour until tripled in size.
8. Dump dough back onto floured canvas. Divide into 4 sections. Roll out one at a time to rectangle about 10x6. Melt remaining butter. Combine the cinnamon and sugar. Spread butter and cinnamon sugar on dough. Roll and cut for sweet rolls. Place on greased pan and allow to raise about 1 hour.
9. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.
10. Mix icing and ice while warm.