Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 2 : Birthday

You've had a birthday shout hooray! We want to sing to you today. One year older and wiser too. Happy birthday to you!

March 29 wood duck

I think it is only the second or third time I have seen them in the wild but there were two males and a female right above my driveway!

Friday, March 24, 2017

March 23: girls only

Pure coincidence but spark was all girls yesterday. Even the siblings were all girls the one exception was the one grandpa who brought his daughter.

March 22: touch

Discovered Melanie was sticking out her hand to let it run along the pole or chain link fence depending on whether we were coming or going. I remember doing this but how did she figure it out? She hasn't seen anyone do it. She really likes to though.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 21: Oh Mama!

We had another opossum stuck in the trash. This time a mamma!

March 20 Anasazi beans

They were just to pretty. They remind me of cows and I am becoming a from dried beans cooking master!

March 19: Pink Fish

Is it weird that my kids adore salmon and clamor for it?