Sunday, August 16, 2015

lemongrass pork tenderloin

I don't eat tenderloin that much pork or beef because it is usually a bit pricy but the other day they had it on sale so I picked up some. They come in a two pack, always do because they are small. I knew I wanted to use it but did not have a specific recipe in mind I just wanted to rub some herbs and flavor on it grill it along with some veggies and have that be dinner.
The time to cook dinner comes around and I have to actually have to do something. Fortunately there are a few herbs in the garden that are doing well or well enough in the summer heat. I always like the greenness of fresh herbs and having a few plants is way cheaper than the grocery store. Except for cilantro and parsley. They are usually cheap and when I use them it is always a ton.
Anyway I was super excited because this year I have been growing some lemongrass. It is an herb. An amazing herb that way more people need to be using. The stalk is tough and you don't really eat it but it gives flavor to stuff. It gives the mist flavor when crushed. I like to split it in half lengthwise and then bash it with the blunt side of the knife to get the flavor out. I also used some rosemary and it was amazing!

Lemongrass Pork Tenderloin
1/3 c extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp fresh rosemary, chopped
1 stalk lemongrass, smashed
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp lemon zest
1/2 lemon juiced
1/2 tsp sugar
1 pork tenderloin

1. Combine the marinade ingredients except for the sugar. Divide in half.
2. Put half of the marinade in a zip top bag with the pork. Let marinate 20 minutes. Add the sugar to the remaining unused marinade and reserve.
3. Heat the grill nice and hot. Wipe off any excess marinade and sear the meat on all sides. It should brown quickly if the grill is hot and not be cooked through yet. Turn one side of the grill off and the other to medium. Leave the meat on the off side and brush all the sides with the marinade with sugar that you reserved. Close the lid and cook until the pork is just still a touch pink and juicy. Let rest a few minutes slice and serve.

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